While Kid Rock may not need more alcohol this morning, comedian Joy Behar laughed off the musician’s profanity against her — he called her a “bitch” live on “Fox and Friends” hours earlier — by inviting him on “The View” to have a beer, with her and her fellow “bitches.”
“This bitch and these bitches will be happy to have you on the show and have a beer,” she said, before reveling in the fact that “Fox and Friends” hosts had to apologize for the singer’s remark. “You know what’s great? Fox had to apologize for something.”
Meghan McCain, the late Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) daughter — who regularly feuds with Behar — told her fellow co-host that the Fox apology could be her anniversary gift, after celebrating 20 years on “The View” on Thursday.
The ladies also discussed a topic of crucial importance: Kid Rock’s real name is “Bob” (Robert James Ritchie).
Two TPM stories on this event?
TPM, I think this is why they invented the word, “kerfuffle.”
Umm, I don’t think Kid Rock drinks Pinot Grigio…
Well, having FOX Pravda apologize for anything doesn’t exactly happen every day, y’know?
Yeah, well, it’s been a slow news week.
I think TPM beat Raw Story on this one - or at least tied?