BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) — Signs saying “It’s OK to be White” have appeared at The University of Vermont and at Champlain College over the weekend.
UVM says the signs were removed and the school “condemns the activity in the strongest possible terms” to the extent they were intended to promote white nationalist ideology.
Similar signs have showed up on the campus before. Last winter, white supremacist signs and stickers were posted at UVM and other college campuses. Last winter, white supremacist signs and stickers were posted at UVM and other college campuses.
Burlington police said they were traced to a Vermont resident and some people from out of state. Police said there was no evidence to suggest that UVM or Champlain College students were involved.
Absolutely shocking.
Vermont rednecks go to school?
Hope there’s some video cameras near there…time for a public racist roasting, getting that scumbag fired from a job and run the hell out of town. That needs to happen to every single Republican racist found…go after them all and ruin their lives.
Crap. I moved here to get away from that stuff
Most of the people in many of the larger towns in vermont are reasonably progressive (for one of the whitest states in the union) but once you get into the rural areas, things can change dramatically. We used to notice the the “Take Back Vermont” signs (trying to outlaw civil unions) were almost always attached to the older broken-down houses and decrepit farm buildings.
Guess those punks need some positive affirmations?