Federal Judge: Neo-Nazi Owes Ex-College Student $700K For Racist ‘Troll Storm’

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A federal judge ruled Friday that Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin owes a former American University student government president more than $700,000 for directing his followers to threaten her with racist online messages.

In 2017, Taylor Dumpson, who is the first black woman to serve as student government president at AU, sued Anglin for allegedly initiating a racist “troll storm” against her that made her fear for her life and took a toll on her ability to pursue her education.

According to the Washington Post, the ruling in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia may mark the first time a court has ruled that racist online trolling activity can interfere with one’s equal access to a public accommodation.

“We think that this essentially opens up a new avenue to attack the dangerous activities of white supremacists in our country,” Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, which represented Dumpson, told WaPo. “I would expect that other litigators will be able to use the ruling in this case to seek justice on behalf of other victims of hate crimes.”

Last month, a federal judge in Montana decided that Anglin owes real estate agent Tanya Gersh more than $14 million after rallying other white supremacists on his site to inundate her and her family with a barrage of threats and vitriol.

In June, a judge in Ohio awarded $4.1 million to Muslim-American radio host Dean Obeidallah after Anglin posted stories falsely accusing him of spearheading a terrorist attack.

Anglin reportedly failed to show up to both the Montana and Ohio proceedings, despite a federal judge ruling in April that Anglin’s personal safety concerns for traveling to the U.S. were “factually unsupported.”

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Notable Replies

  1. What about the INCITER of White Supremacy with hateful & violent rhetoric?

  2. Avatar for pshah pshah says:

    “We think that this essentially opens up a new avenue to attack the dangerous activities of white supremacists in our country,” Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, which represented Dumpson, told WaPo. “I would expect that other litigators will be able to use the ruling in this case to seek justice on behalf of other victims of hate crimes.”

    This is essentially what Trump has done since the day he rode down that escalator and called Mexicans “rapists”, and even before as a prominent Birther. It would serve him right if the victims of the El Paso massacre or their families sued him for fomenting terrorism and depriving them their right to public accommodations.

    All a lawyer has to do is read his tweets in court, especially the ones his staff expunged after the El Paso tragedy -which, I believe, involved the use of the word “invasion”.

  3. Well, one thing you can say about these Nazi RW nationalist motherfuckers: they not only make us look better intellectually and morally in comparison to them but also physically.

    I heard Anglin is out of the country and has been spotted in Russia, Philippines, Greece, Cambodia, Nigeria, and other places. Also heard he has a girlfriend. What a winner she must be.

  4. Good luck collecting. Which has also been the sentiment to anyone owed money by the current occupant of the White House.

  5. But her ANTIFA!!!

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