Woman With Whom Greitens Had Affair Must Turn Over Her Phone To Court

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JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — The Missouri Supreme Court says a woman who had an extramarital affair with Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens must turn over her cellphone for a forensic investigation.

The Kansas City Star reported Saturday that the high court’s decision follows the woman’s request Friday to block an order requiring her phone to be examined by a court-appointed expert.

The order came in a criminal case in which Greitens is accused of taking a photo of the woman in a compromising position without her consent. The Republican governor is charged with invasion of privacy.

The charge stems from a sexual encounter they had at Greitens’ home in 2015, before he was elected governor. He has denied criminal wrongdoing.
The woman’s attorney had argued that the order is burdensome and invades her privacy.

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for paulw paulw says:

    What evidence is the physical phone supposed to provide at this point?

  2. This article says that they had an “affair” and that the picture was taken during a “encounter”. Other reporting out there is that it was a one-time situation where he got her to come over to his house and he assaulted her there.

    It can’t be both. Perhaps the phone is a means to determine which it was.

  3. I wonder if she has a copy of that pic on her phone. It will be interesting to see how everything shakes out.

  4. I hope they have demanded the governor’s phone as well.

  5. You don’t know how devilishly versatile a phone can be. :innocent:

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