The White House refers to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as “Supreme Leader” on a challenge coin made for the upcoming peace talks between President Donald Trump and Kim, several reports revealed Monday
Reports differed on the source of the coin: CNN’s Jim Acosta said it was produced by the White House Military Office. NBC’s Peter Alexander said it was from the White House Communications Agency. Both are part of the larger West Wing bureaucracy.
There's now a White House Military Office coin for the upcoming Trump Kim Jong Un summit. The North Korean dictator is referred to as "Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un."
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) May 21, 2018
Less than a month to Trump-Kim summit, White House Communications Agency (WHCA) releases its “trip coin.”
This is #74 of 250 made.— Peter Alexander (@PeterAlexander) May 21, 2018
Though “Supreme Leader” is an official title used for Kim (one of several), it’s slightly jarring to see it in White House lettering.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo referred to Kim as “chairman” during his trip to meet with the North Korean leader earlier this month. (Pompeo initially, and incorrectly, referred to the leader as “Chairman Un.”)
A quick search of the Obama White House’s archives found several uses of the term — by the former President, then-Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, and then-press secretaries Josh Earnest and Robert Gibbs. But they were all referring to the Iranian leader, Ayatollah Khamenei.
I’ve had my say on this bit of weirdness but I was expecting something more classy, like from The Franklin Mint:
Sure that’s a coin? Looks more like a bottle cap to me.
I’m not surprised, Trump will give away anything for a win before November.
I am surprised that the Trump side of the coin didn’t say “Supremer Leader Donald Trump”
WTF is up with all the “challenge coins”? Just one more way to soak the taxpayers, I guess. "The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the
pattercoin.’He just couldn’t wait until he actually went on the trip and actually accomplished something. Like a 5-year-old.