WATCH: Ferguson Protester Smashes Fox News Camera On Live TV

A protester wearing a Guy Fawkes mask smashed a Fox News camera during a live broadcast from Ferguson, Mo.
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A protester wearing a Guy Fawkes mask smashed a Fox News camera during a live broadcast Monday night from Ferguson, Mo.

Fox News’ Steve Harrigan was describing the unrest following a grand jury’s decision not to charge white police Officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of unarmed black teen Michael Brown. The protester entered the frame of the live shot and yelled “Fuck you, and fuck Fox News.” The camera then titled towards the ground and the live shot was lost.

Later on, Harrigan told Fox’s Shepard Smith that he thought protesters were angry that his crew was filming looting. He said none of the crew was injured.

“The only casualty was the camera,” he joked.

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Notable Replies

  1. Can we all agree this was the best thing to come out of the protests last night? Also, why doesn’t this happen more often to Fox News cameras?

  2. I disagree. What happened was unnecessary. We can dislike Fox but smashing their cameras is wrong (yet strangely satisfying)

  3. Were I possessed of the mental deficits of the Alex Jones crowd, I’d suggest this was a false flag operation. Prominently displayed is the mask of Anonymous and an Arab keffiyeh, glaring symbols of the continuously looping Two Minute Hate of the right.

  4. /standing ovation

  5. Meh.

    said with a haughty British accent as if I just threw down my best court regalia gloves: “I will have my satisfaction, sirrah.”

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