Wall Street Journal Escalates Feud With Trump: ‘The Truth Hurts’

Republican presidential candidate, businessman Donald Trump speaks at the Wright Brothers Aero Hangar during a rally, Saturday, March 12, 2016, in Vandalia, Ohio. (AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)
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The Wall Street Journal editorial board declined Donald Trump’s demand for an apology after it cast doubt on his chances of winning the Republican presidential nomination, instead writing another editorial late Thursday about the “passionate opposition” to his candidacy.

“The truth hurts,” the editorial read, “though Mr. Trump would rather walk down Fifth Avenue shooting the messenger.”

Trump took to Twitter on Thursday to trash the “dummies” on the newspaper’s editorial board. The GOP frontrunner took issue with their argument that Hillary Clinton has a million more primary votes than he does and would trounce him in a general election match-up.

“Actually his rise has been cleared by the large and fractured GOP field,” the WSJ editorial board fired back. “Of the 20.35 million GOP primary votes cast so far, he has received 7.54 million, or a mere 37%. Despite the media desire to call him unstoppable, Mr. Trump is the weakest Republican front-runner since Gerald Ford in 1976.”

The editorial board pointed out that though Trump may have diehard followers, his unfavorables are also remarkably high: “The Real Clear Politics polling average shows twice as many adults have negative views (61%) than positive views (32.5%) of Mr. Trump.”

As for Trump’s remark that the newspaper’s editorials don’t matter because “nobody cares” what the Wall Street Journal writes anymore, the board thanked him for being “such a loyal reader.”

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Notable Replies

  1. "As for Trump’s remark that the newspaper’s editorials don’t matter because “nobody cares” what the Wall Street Journal writes anymore, the board thanked him for being “such a loyal reader.”

    I love it when editorial writers come up with such novel ways to say “Fuck you.” (Even if it is the WSJ)

  2. Even the WSJ is now trolling Trump.

    This is shaping up to be an entertaining few months.

  3. A “sure” loser? Or a “sore” loser?

    Either works perfectly.

  4. And this isn’t bad either, it made me happy:

    “The truth hurts,” the editorial read, “though Mr. Trump would rather walk down Fifth Avenue shooting the messenger.”

    Boom! Not much use most days for the WSJ editorial page but I’m lovin’ this.

  5. Avatar for grack grack says:

    And what happened, then? Well, in Whoville they say – that The Drumpf’s tiny peen shrank three sizes that day.

    With apologies to Dr. Seuss

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