Trump To Provide Written Responses In Zervos Defamation Suit

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President Donald Trump will provide written responses as part of onetime Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos’ defamation lawsuit against him, multiple outlets reported Sunday based on a new court filing. Zervos is suing Trump for defamation after he asserted that her claims of unwanted kissing and groping were false.

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Notable Replies

  1. Some Person To Provide Written Responses In Zervos Defamation Suit


  2. Avatar for j.dave j.dave says:

    The agreement is not to respond to anything.

    It’s to exchange “written answers and objections.

    Spoiler alert: Don’t expect answers.

  3. Avatar for tao tao says:

    Not Fair! She bigly wanted me to kiss and grope her against her will!!! They HAVE to let me do it because I’m a STAR!!!

  4. Avatar for jtx jtx says:

    How come she can do this but not Mueller?

  5. She can’t put him in jail for life.

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