Trump Describes ‘Lost’ Syria As ‘Sand And Death’

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President Donald Trump used unusual descriptions to capture the land of Syria in his lengthy and meandering Cabinet meeting on Wednesday: “sand and death.”

“Syria was lost long ago. It was lost long ago,” Trump said to assembled reporters. “And besides that, I don’t want — we’re talking about sand and death. That’s what we’re talking about. We’re not talking about vast wealth. We’re talking about sand and death.”

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  1. Been following on Dale’s feed.


    To my eyes, this president sounds like a focus group of 5 year olds giving their take on the news.

  2. Avatar for erik_t erik_t says:

    We’re not talking about vast wealth

    You’re not supposed to say that part out loud, dotard. It’s like W saying “Also too I wanna blow up Iraq to take their oil!”

  3. If “great wealth” is not involved, Trump couldn’t care less. That’s why he’s big on Saudi Arabia but not on Syria. Saudi Arabia has more “sand and death” than Syria could ever hope for, but Trump is simply ignorant of what Syria is.

  4. Avatar for erik_t erik_t says:

    It’s what you eat for breakfast when Malaria is bullying you into healthy eating (sad!) and won’t let you have your usual Egg McMuffins.

  5. He made a stupid choice and now he is trying to backup his stupid choice with stupid excuses.

    Also, lets highlight that its not just the decision to pull out now, its doing so with no plan or timetable. If your going to actually announce that your pulling out you better have a plan already.

    Wasn’t one of his lies about not wanting to discuss plans was not letting the enemy know what were going to do?

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