The White House announced Friday afternoon that President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will have a second summit at the end of February, according to MSNBC. The location is still to be announced.
The summit was announced soon after Trump met with Kim Yong Chol, a high-ranking official in the North Korean government.
Wag The Dog, Pt. 2
Questions …
a) Is Trump going to be president by then?
b) If yes, would the shutdown be over?
Great, Trump will unilaterally announce that we’re withdrawing our troops from South Korea, in his next step towards dismantling American before the Republicans wake up and impeach.
OF COURSE, he will…bless his heart…well right up until he sees if this will deflect from the shtty news he’s been racking up THIS week and then he may blame Kim for Donnie having to stay home…
…Or he’s going to use the summit to ask Kim to pretty-please nuke New York City, so that the SDNY files are conveniently destroyed…