Trump: I Ended Military Drills With S. Korea To Save Money! Also, Kim Jong Un Wanted It

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South Korean and U.S. defense officials announced the change Sunday, just days after Trump’s failed summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

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Notable Replies

  1. According to the Washington Post, Trump has taken some 19 trips to Mar-a-Lago during his presidency so far. If the average cost of $3.4 million for the first four trips is extrapolated, that means the president’s vacations have cost taxpayers at least $64.6 million. And that doesn’t count travel to his club in Bedminster, N.J., where Trump goes in the summer.

    As of 2/05/2019

    And the year is still young.

  2. A moron indeed. A dangerous one.

  3. The cost of those drills is less than the first estimate for your military parade in DC, back when you still wanted it.

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