That temperament though.
It didn’t take long for Donald Trump to interrupt Hillary Clinton during Monday night’s debate, with the first interruption happening less than 15 minutes in. And once it started, he just couldn’t stop.
Now This News counted 34 interruptions from Trump throughout the debate and Vox counted 51. The interruptions ranged from short bursts of “no!” and “wrong!” to full-fledged monologues shouted over Clinton.
In return, Clinton either fought back against Trump’s comments or relented and smiled until Trump either said his piece or was instructed by debate moderator Lester Holt, to let her finish.
Relive the cringe below via Now This News:
Trump lacks the stamina to listen, every interruption a choke.
Without his usual crowd of loud-mouthed rednecks that usually infest his rally, Donnie looked like a deer in the headlights that got run over by the Hillary Express…
I’m honestly surprised that the number of interruptions was so low because he seemed to be interrupting her every single time she spoke, often multiple times in a single sentence.
Am guessing that Donnie never got very good marks in “plays well with others”…
Vox put the count at a combined 40 times between Trumpo and Holt. I don’t know how many times Lauer interrupted her, but (at the expense of sounding parochial), I find it difficult to believe that for even women who don’t like Hillary, this hasn’t gone unnoticed.
He lied about the loan his father gave him, his company bankruptcies, his endorsements, stop and frisk, birtherism, New York, Michigan and Ohio, and Palm Beach, the federal reserve, her child care plan, her tax plan, China devaluing its currency, this country’s nuclear arsenal, ISIS, he lied about calling women pigs, dogs and slobs. But he thinks he won the debate.
@spencersmom I fed my dogs salmon-based foods, not nearly as smelly as HO’s diet, and they were sweet little turds that went into compostable bag. His turds, who knows where they go.