Fox News host Sean Hannity joked during a speech on Friday about having “x-ray Fox vision” that enabled him to see that some of the women in the audience were pregnant.
The comment came during his speech on the second day of the Conservative Political Action Conference being held near Washington D.C. Hannity was explaining to the audience that those in the “young, good-looking crowd” were America’s future.
“I can look out in the crowd — I kind of have x-ray Fox vision — and I can see some of you women, you don’t even know it yet, but you’re pregnant,” Hannity said. “It’s not your fault. It’s not his fault. Who’s fault is it?”
Hannity then got “serious,” without ever answering his question, and continued with his speech.
I’m Hannity. I made you all pregnant when I just walked on stage.
Real X-rays? You likely caused birth defects…
“I can look out in the crowd – I kind of have x-ray Fox vision – and I can see some of you women, you don’t even know it yet, but you’re pregnant,” Hannity said. “It’s not your fault. It’s not his fault. Who’s fault is it?”
Now that’s creepy, if there ever was any!
Speaking of The Problem of Whiteness…
Well, that wasn’t creepy at all.