Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) joked on Friday during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference that President Obama is so unpopular that not even Kenya wants to claim him.
Santorum set up the joke by telling the CPAC crowd that Obama had become so unpopular across the world that he’d heard a jarring report.
“The Kenyan government is actually developing proof that Barack Obama was actually born in America,” he said.
There was light applause from the crowd, but little audible laughter. Santorum moved on.
Run, Rick run! We Democrats understand your sense of humor, and will laugh at your jokes. Too bad you will not understand why.
And Virginia’s government is actually developing proof that Rick Santorum isn’t actually a moronic asshole.
Yeah, that’s a real knee slapper. On just about every measure, Obama has been one of the most successful presidents in nearly a century. Just because hilariously stupid, racist GOPers refuse to acknowledge those successes doesn’t mean the rest of the world agrees. But keep at it. I honestly believe one of the big issues the GOP will have to overcome in 2016 will be their’s and their base’s rabid hatred for a successful, popular president who is a beast, an oratory genius on the campaign trail.
Funnee! A bit inapt, because he’s popular enough to be President and you’re unpopular enough to have lost your Senate seat by 18 points. But still, quite droll, well done.
I guess CPAC is derp central with each new speaker trying to out do the former with even ore outlandish pronouncements. I am sure there will be more in the next day or two. Rush Limbaugh hasn’t got a chance of catching up with these folks.