Russia Brags Of ‘Verbal Agreements’ With Trump, US Unsure What They Were

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House, July 18, 2018 in Washington, DC. Photo by Olivier Douliery/ Abaca Press
WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 18: (AFP OUT) U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House on July 18, 2018 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Olivier Douliery - Pool/Getty Images)
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Russia’s ambassador to the United States told the media in Moscow on Wednesday that Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin had reached several “verbal agreements” on weapons treaties and Syria.

But U.S. officials are scrambling to figure out what those agreements might have been, according to the Washington Post.

The Pentagon and State Department both reportedly did not have a clear idea of what Trump and Putin had agreed to, according to the Post. The State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told the Post that the Department was still “assessing … three takeaways” from the discussion.

While both White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and counselor Kellyanne Conway gave reporters on Wednesday a list of topics the two had discussed, no official has provided any specifics on what was achieved, as the Post noted.

Read the Post’s full report here.   

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Notable Replies

  1. Russia has us over a barrel on this one. All thanks to our very stable genius.

  2. No need to worry. The president doesn’t know what they are either.

  3. Well shee-it

    “We’ll see”
    “You’ll find out”

    Doncha love the suspense?

  4. OT but hilarious and true.

  5. Didn’t someone famously note that verbal agreements aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on?

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