GOP Sen.: I May Trust Ayatollah Over Obama On Details Of Iran Deal

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014, in Eau Claire, Wis., that the Ebola outbreak in Africa and the rise of the Islamic State are global issues that pose a major threat to (AP ... U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014, in Eau Claire, Wis., that the Ebola outbreak in Africa and the rise of the Islamic State are global issues that pose a major threat to (AP Photo/Eau Claire Leader-Telegram, Dan Reiland) MORE LESS
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Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, suggested at a recent town hall event in Cerdarburg, Wisc., that Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei may be more trustworthy than President Obama when it comes to the nuclear deal.

“Now, a President who was awarded the 2013 Politifact Lie of the Year, if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it, period. If you like your doctor you can keep it, period. They lied boldfaced to the American public repeatedly with Obamacare,” Johnson said, according to a clip surfaced by Buzzfeed News on Tuesday.

“I don’t know, I hate to admit it, but in terms of this framework, do I trust President Obama, or do I trust the Ayatollah? In terms of what the framework actually says? I’m not so sure I’m trusting President Obama on this,” Johnson continued.

While discussing the nuclear deal the U.S. is negotiating with Iran, Johnson told his constituents about disagreements between the U.S. and Iran on certain details..

“Discrepancies—Secretary Kerry, President Obama saying, ‘Oh we can inspect anywhere. This is totally verifiable. Totally be able to hold them accountable.’ And the Ayatollah goes, ‘Well, yeah, you can inspect, just not on military bases,'” Johnson said. “Now if you’re going to have a nuclear weapon program I don’t know, I think I put it on a military base, and we can’t even get in there and inspect.”

“10,000 kilograms of uranium. President Obama says, ‘well that’s going to get shipped out.’ The Ayatollah goes, ‘no it’s not,’'” Johnson continued. “Sanctions. ‘We’re not going to lift those until they adhere to the terms of the agreement.’ The Ayatollah goes, ‘no those get lifted immediately.'”

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  1. Time for the Secret Service and the NSA to pay a little visit to The Dumbest Man in Congress.

  2. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wanker):

    Discrepancies—Secretary Kerry, President Obama saying, ‘Oh we can inspect anywhere. This is totally verifiable. Totally be able to hold them accountable.’ And the Ayatollah goes, ‘Well, yeah, you can inspect, just not on military bases.’ Now if you’re going to have a nuclear weapon program I don’t know, I think I put it on a military base, and we can’t even get in there and inspect.

    10,000 kilograms of uranium. President Obama says, ‘well that’s going to get shipped out.’ The Ayatollah goes, ‘no it’s not.’ Sanctions. ‘We’re not going to lift those until they adhere to the terms of the agreement.’ The Ayatollah goes, ‘no those get lifted immediately.’

    Riggght. And where did Khamenei say this, jackass?

    Cites, please.

  3. They lied boldfaced to the American public repeatedly with Obamacare," Johnson said, according to a clip surfaced by Buzzfeed News on Tuesday.

    Ya mean like killing granny? Skyrocketing premiums and healthcare costs? Doctor’s leaving the profession in droves? It being a “job killer”? Death panels? Forced home inspections? IRS can deny healthcare?
    Are we really going there, Johnson?

  4. Avatar for orsay orsay says:

    Hopefully, Russ Finegold will take his seat back and this idiot will prob go to Fake news…
    or go K street!

  5. Now you know the good Senator doesn’t have to substantiate any claims. The opposition against the President is always right and the President is always wrong.

    I know who I won’t be voting for for Senator in the next election. I have a problem with treason coming out of my Senator’s mouth.

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