Romney: GOP Senate Will Send Immigration Bill To Obama’s Desk

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks to a reporter at a rally for Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2008 in Henderson, Nev. (AP Photo/Eric Jamison)
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Mitt Romney on Sunday said that if Republicans win the Senate majority, Congress will be able to pass an immigration bill in both houses.

The former Massachusetts governor and presidential candidate said that a GOP Senate would enable Republicans to break the “blockade” of Senate Democrats and send legislation to Obama.

“You’re going to see a big provision first of all to secure the border, second of all to deal with those who come here illegally, and third to make sure that our immigration policies are more open and transparent to the many people who do want to come here illegally,” Romney said on “Fox News Sunday” about immigration reform.

“You’re going to see a bill actually reach the desk of the president if we finally have someone besides Harry Reid sitting in the Senate. We’re going to get it done,” he continued.

The Senate passed a bipartisan immigration reform bill, but the House never brought it up for a vote. Romney said that with Republicans controlling both houses, Congress will be able to find legislation that will pass through both chambers.

“I think Republicans in the House were looking at what was coming from the Senate saying, ‘You know what? We can do better if we pick up some more seats in the Senate,'” he said. “I can’t tell you whether we’re going to win the Senate on Tuesday, but we’re going to pick up a lot of seats and we have a lot better prospect of having a piece of legislation which deals with the issue in the way I described.”

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Notable Replies

  1. The king of liars still spinning his web of lies.

  2. Avatar for whiteb whiteb says:

    Interesting revisionist account. The Senate DID pass a bi-partisan immigration bill. The House of Representatives dominated by Republicans blocked it. Ummm…trying to woo votes days before the election.

  3. Actually, they’ll send an “immigration” bill.

  4. The important question is… will the Latino community want him to sign it?

  5. Exactly. Classic Mitt - it’s actually true but is nothing what it sounds like.

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