RNC Reminds Trump That Delegate Rules Were Set In October

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In a Friday morning memo, the Republican National Committee reminded the presidential candidates that the rules for the presidential primary and delegate selection were set in October.

The memo does not mention Donald Trump by name, but it appears to be aimed at the candidate’s relentless complaints about the way Colorado delegates were allocated during the state’s convention earlier in April. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) secured all of the delegates up for grabs in the state.

“The rules surrounding the delegate selection have been clearly laid out in every state and territory and while each state is different, each process is easy to understand for those willing to learn it,” RNC Spokesman Sean Spicer wrote in the memo.

“It ultimately falls on the campaigns to be up to speed on these delegate rules. Campaigns have to know when absentee ballots are due, how long early voting lasts in certain states, or the deadlines for voter registration; the delegate rules are no different,” he added. “Whether delegates are awarded through a primary, caucus, or convention, this process is democracy in action and driven by grassroots voters across the country.”

The memo also lays out how delegates are selected in the remaining primary contests taking place in April.

The RNC memo follows an op-ed penned by Trump in the Wall Street Journal published on Thursday evening, in which he railed against the delegate selection process in Colorado and accused Cruz of supporting “voter disenfranchisement.”

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  1. Donnie Dimwit:


    who’s idea was that? I was busy with my Hallowe’en costume and getting ready for Dia de los Muertos in honor of our Mexican immigrant amigas…

  2. Avatar for fgs fgs says:

    This patchwork of state-by-state rules is truly beyond ridiculous. But the case will never be made by a guy like The Rump, who only notices when he loses.

  3. That was already at least two debates into the process, which seems crazy.

  4. There are rules and there are rules. Sometimes the real reason for rules becomes apparent when they are actually used in the real world. As an outsider looking at the Colorado GOP version of democracy it looked odd. When you see something odd in Southern politics you know it’s about race. When you see something odd in in a state like Colorado you know it’s about religion. The hard core evangelicals in Colorado Springs are one of the few groups that would benefit from the level of fanaticism you would need to succeed in this ‘election’. My prediction is that they will try to export this Rube Goldberg system to other states in order to consolidate power.

  5. Oh you big ol’ hulking RNC bullies! Keep trying; keep hitting him…but The Donald and his mouth breathing devotees don’t give a shit about your rules…and they’re going to be waiting on you in Cleveland! Mmmmm…more popcorn!

    BTW: Make that convention ‘open carry’! No gun free zone in Cleveland. C’mon NRA…put up or shut up and prove that a well armed society is a polite society. Here’s your Big Chance!

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