Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) went to the Senate floor Thursday morning to declare that when history looks back on the current Congress, it will “note the Republicans in Congress treated President Obama with unprecedented disrespect.”
“President Obama is the first President to be denied a hearing on his budget. He’s the first President to be denied a hearing on a Supreme Court nominee. President Obama is the first President asked to show his birth certificate,” Reid said on the floor. “President Obama is the first President to face over 500 filibusters here in the Senate. In this Republican Senate, President Obama will receive fewer nominees confirmed than any President in many many decades. Republicans have not done their basic work of government.”
The comments were part of a string of political speeches Reid has given on the floor in recent months, as the general election has approached and Congress’ productivity has come to a screeching halt. During his speech, Reid blamed Republican obstructionism and political games for laying the groundwork for Donald Trump as the GOP nominee.
“They would have us believe that Trump just fell out of the sky and somehow mysteriously became the nominee of the party, but that’s not the way it is,” Reid said. “Everything that he’s said, stood for, done in this bizarre campaign that he’s run has come, filtered up, from what’s going on in the Republican Senate.”
Trump, Reid said, “is the monster Republicans built.”
“He is their Frankenstein monster. They own him,” he said.
That is the unvarnished truth. Refreshing.
Whoa! Harry’s dealing out some BLOWS! Reid, much like our President, has no more fucks to give. He has nothing to lose, and it is refreshing to hear the truth from a politician. I despise the idea of term limits, on principle, but maybe it’s the only way to keep the system a bit honest. I would prefer public financing and a British-style mandatory short campaign season, but then again, I want a pony and ice cream.
Give 'em hell, Harry! Sadly, the viscous racists and opportunistic hustlers that populate so much of the Republican party won’t ever stop in their attempts to frag the Commander In Chief.
Give 'em hell, Harry!!