Painting Depicting Cops As Animals Removed From U.S. Capitol Again

In this Jan. 5, 2017, photo, a painting by David Pulphus hangs in a hallway displaying paintings by high school students selected by their member of congress on Capitol Hill in Washington. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif... In this Jan. 5, 2017, photo, a painting by David Pulphus hangs in a hallway displaying paintings by high school students selected by their member of congress on Capitol Hill in Washington. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., has removed a painting that showed a pig in a police uniform, one of hundreds of artworks on display at the Capitol and sponsored by a member of Congress. Joe Kasper, a spokesman forHunter, says the lawmaker unscrewed the artwork from the display and returned it to the office of Missouri Democratic Rep. William Lacy Clay. (AP Photo/Zach Gibson) MORE LESS
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A painting by a constituent of a Democratic congressman from Missouri that depicts police officers as animals has been taken down from the hallways of the U.S. Capitol again, possibly for the last time.

The Associated Press reported Tuesday that House lawmakers had returned to the Capitol to find the painting gone from its erstwhile spot alongside other winners of the Congressional Art Competition, one from each congressional district.

Republicans and police groups across the country viewed the painting’s depiction of police officers as pigs (the artist says the officers were depicted with boar heads) as offensive and argued it did not meet the competition’s rules prohibiting “subjects of contemporary political controversy or a sensationalistic or gruesome nature.”

Rep. Dave Reichert’s office (R-WA) on Friday said that Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) office had informed him the architect of the Capitol had determined the painting violated those rules. The architect of the Capitol confirmed his decision to remove the painting in a letter to Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO), whose constituent David Pulphus painted “Untitled #1,” citing the competition’s rules.

The removal, yet again, of the painting marks another installment in what has been a tense and symbolic fight. Clay has said his attempts to restore the painting to its place in the Capitol were “about defending the Constitution” and freedom of expression.

“By his unprecedented and unconstitutional action, following criticism of the artwork by Speaker Ryan and several GOP Members, the Architect of the Capitol acted to suppress the free speech rights of my constituent,” Clay wrote in a statement emailed to TPM Tuesday. Clay noted that the painting was currently hanging “in a place of honor” in his Capitol Hill office.

“I plan to seek reversal of the Architect’s determination in short order,” he continued. “Supreme Court precedent clearly falls on the side of artistic freedom as protected speech. As a Member who reveres the 1st Amendment, I can assure you that I will redouble my efforts to defend it, and ultimately, the Constitution will prevail.”

In an op-ed published in the Post-Dispatch on Friday, Pulphus and freelance writer Etefia Umana wrote that some Republicans’ decisions to remove the painting “challenge democracy’s essence and highlight the privilege that white people in positions of power wield: immunity.”

“It is unimaginable that either of us could enter the Capitol building and remove the statue of slavery advocate John C. Calhoun without being accosted and likely arrested,” the op-ed continued. “The representatives are demonstrating that rules and laws only apply to certain citizens — not including them. The misplaced anger of these ‘authorities’ fails to address critical issues pertinent to conditions in African-American communities, police-community relations, and constitutional rights.”

This article has been updated.

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  1. GOP: We will have now have Confederate Flag at every corner in US Capitol, making Amerika great again.

  2. Next, a screening of “Fritz the Cat”

  3. This is not censorship …

    This is to protect the public ! —

    Brought to you by the GRAB party …

  4. The Republican Party no longer exists, it is now the party of Fascism!
    The following was originally posted during W’s 1st term! These 14 points clearly explain and with colorful drawings to help the “uneducated Trumpster’s” to know exactly what they and the republican party of today has become!
    Point No 11 in the “14 Points of Fascism,” along with the party seal! Replace Bush’s name with Trump’s name!

    11.) Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts: Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.
    The A to Z guide to political interference in science
    Bush’s new economic plan cuts funding for arts, education
    Artists from all over the world are being refused entry to the US on security grounds.
    A group of more than 60 top U.S. scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates and several science advisers to past Republican presidents, on Wednesday accused the Bush administration of manipulating and censoring science for political purposes
    Freedom of Repression: New ruling will allow censorship of campus publications

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