O’Reilly: Black People Should Wear ‘Don’t Get Pregnant At 14’ T-Shirts

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Bill O’Reilly advised black Americans to wear t-shirts that say “Don’t Get Pregnant At 14” and “Don’t Abandon Your Children” during a segment with Martin Luther King Jr.’s son on Wednesday night.

Guest Martin Luther King III told the host of “The O’Reilly Factor” that America needs to hear a unifying message amid recent racial turmoil. O’Reilly interjected with his suggestion for “a pathway to success” for black people.

“Don’t abandon your children. Don’t get pregnant at 14. Don’t allow your neighborhoods to deteriorate into free-fire zones. That’s what the African American community should have on their T-shirts,” he said.

“Am I wrong?” O’Reilly asked his guest.

King almost immediately segued to a different point. “Well, I think that’s a part of it, but that’s not the entirety,” he said, going on to say Americans need to address more than just police misconduct.

Watch the clip, via Media Matters:

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  1. And Native Americans should have a t-shirt that reads:

    White People:

    Go Back to Where You Came From.
    You Destroyed Our Land

  2. I was 20 years old in 1968. And I can tell you that FOX would have had a hard time operating in that year, in a number of cities.

  3. O’Reilly needs to spend some time in the rural white south so he can see how many white teens get pregnant .

    I personally know one that is pregnant right now…the mother is jobless and the father works one day a week at ihop. They have no car, and plop for a while with her mother or his .

    Both have been arrested. Her for shoplifting … I don;t know what he did, but he is on probation and has fines to pay.

  4. Avatar for vonq vonq says:

    Since you could make the same sorry argument about white people, what’s Bill’s point? Nothing? And why didn’t his guest say “no”? Did he learn nothing from his father?

  5. Avatar for dswx dswx says:

    Indeed. And now Fox does all it can to mainstream racism.

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