Officer Who Shot 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Failed Sheriff Department Exam

CORRECTS THE ID OF THE MALE ON POSTER TO TAMIR RICE - Tomiko Shine holds up a picture of Tamir Rice, the 12 year old boy fatally shot on Nov. 22 by a rookie police officer, during a protest in response to a grand jur... CORRECTS THE ID OF THE MALE ON POSTER TO TAMIR RICE - Tomiko Shine holds up a picture of Tamir Rice, the 12 year old boy fatally shot on Nov. 22 by a rookie police officer, during a protest in response to a grand jury's decision in Ferguson, Mo. to not indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, at the Department of Justice in Washington, Monday, Dec. 1, 2014. Protesters across the U.S. have walked off their jobs or away from classes in support of the Ferguson protesters. Rice's death has also sparked community demonstrations against police shootings. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana) MORE LESS
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The Cleveland police officer who shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice had previously failed the written exam to be a deputy in the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department, according to documents reviewed by the Northeast Ohio Media Group.

Timothy Loehmann took the exam in September 2013 and scored a 46 percent on the cognitive exam administered by the department. The department considers a 70 percent a passing score.

Loehmann did pass the physical exam, but the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department did not ultimately accept his application to be a deputy sheriff, according to the Northeast Ohio Media Group.

Loehmann resigned from the Independence police department in 2012 after a poor performance review. He applied to numerous police departments before he was hired in Cleveland, according to the media group.

Rice was killed in November while he was playing with a toy gun at a playground.

Loehmann and his partner, Frank Garmback, who was driving a patrol car at the time, are both on administrative leave while the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department investigates the incident.

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  1. Avatar for sooner sooner says:

    buh buh buh…what else do I need?

    The shooter (cop) got a 46 when passing baseline was 70 to be a deputy ???

    But was hired by the Cleveland PD.

    Because of his manly physique wink wink…

    Don’t know what the test scale was but by most measurements the 46th percentile might qualify a person to pick up cigarette butts on city streets at the very most.

  2. I might get some doubters but you can bet if he had been a person of color with that low score he would still be without a job, and both cops should not be getting paid by the tax payers of Cleveland and if there is to be justice both should be fired and investigated by the feds and then do some time, federal time!

  3. Avatar for edhedh edhedh says:

    i want to know why the other cop who was driving would drive up to within five feet of a suspect who was known to be holding a gun. how did he think this was going to work out. dolts around.

  4. Affirmative action is okay if you’re a white male.

  5. Unfair. MrComments has been perfectly clear on the differences between murky cases (Ferguson) and those that are clear examples of rogue cops (Cleveland). And he’s right.

    It’s the rest of you who have a knee-jerk reaction to every incident, treating each of them as if they were indentical when they’re obviously not even comparable.

    Why Loehmann isn’t under arrest mystifies me. It would appear that he’s nothing more than a uniformed murderer.

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