McCain Slams Fox News: Muslims Thank Allah Like Christians Thank God (VIDEO)

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Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) pushed back hard Tuesday against a Fox News host who raised concerns over a Syrian rebel’s use of a ubiquitous Islamic phrase. 

McCain was making an appearance on “Fox & Friends” to build his case for supporting the rebels who are fighting the Assad regime in Syria when co-host Brian Kilmeade showed what he said was alarming video footage. The clip showed an explosion in a Syrian city with a presumed rebel fighter heard chanting, “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!”

“I have a problem helping those people screaming that after a hit,” Kilmeade said.

A clearly annoyed McCain quickly hit back.

“You have a problem with that? Would you have a problem with an American Christian saying ‘thank God, thank God’?” McCain said. “That’s what they’re saying. Come on. Of course they’re Muslims, but they’re moderates and I guarantee you that they are moderates. I know them and I’ve been with them. For someone to say ‘Allahu Akbar’ is about as offensive as someone saying ‘thank God.'” 

Kilmeade quickly changed the subject after McCain’s retort.



h/t ThinkProgress


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