Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said on Friday at the 2015 Values Voter Summit that if he is elected President, Planned Parenthood will not “receive a penny from federal government” by 2020.
“All life is worth protecting because all life comes from God,” Rubio said.
He continued with a list of goals by the end of his first term as President.
“And by 2020 Planned Parenthood doesn’t receive a penny from federal government,” he said.
Being pro-life is a “human rights” issue, he said.
“The pro-life issue is not a political one but one of human rights. It’s the most foundational issue,” Rubio said.
‘2020’ is yet another carrot stick to keep the Evangelicals voting Republican for the foreseeable future. And they will fall for it because they’ve got nowhere else to go.
By 2020, Senator, you’ll be a sad footnote in history.
LOL. Fat chance, Captain Thirsty.
That Planned Parenthood, not the economy, not national security, not rebuilding our infrastructure, and from their perspective, not entitlement reform, is their signature issue, tells you all you need to know about the clown show that is the Repug Party.
I wish we had a reasonable opposition.
“All life is worth protecting…”…Then end the death penalty.