Louisville, Ky.’s Western High School and Walter-Williams Environmental School were put on lockdown Friday morning after police received a report of an active shooter, but the call was likely a hoax, the Courier-Journal reported.
The schools were put on lockdown at 10:45 a.m., which was lifted when a police search of Western High found nothing.
Jefferson County Sheriff’s officer Carl Yates told the paper that “there’s no reason to believe at this point that it’s anything but a hoax.” The call, which threatened a mass shooting, came in around 9:07 a.m.
Jefferson County Public Schools spokeswoman Bonnie Hackbarth had earlier “stressed” the report has not been confirmed, and she did not know where the initial report had come from.
Derrick Rose, a journalist with Louisville’s WHAS, said fire crews on the scene said no injuries have been reported.
Rose also said despite “countless” emergency personnel at the high school, their movements are “not frantic in nature.”
Countless number of emergency personnel on scene. But activity from then is not frantic in nature.
— Derrick Rose WHAS11 (@WHAS11DRose) September 18, 2015
god bless the 2nd Amendment and god bless the NRA!!
The new norm in America. Nothing to see here, just another “possible” shooting at a school. Can we talk about gun control now?
I guess not.
Anyone killed in this situation would certainly already have been killed by terrorists already if not for the Blessed Second.
Of course you hope there was no shooting, but if there weren’t, there’s an even newer norm in this “open carry” BS. The whole uproar could well have been caused by some guy deciding it was a nice day so he’d help to dispel our irrational fear of weapons by walking around near a school with a rifle slung on his back. I’ve seen several people open-carrying pistols in my blue region of PA over the last couple of years. All the while, gun laws are getting looser. It’s truly irrational.
Betcha he’s not a Muslim boy with a clock.