KKK Setting Up ‘Neighborhood Watch’ In Pennsylvania Town

Members of the Ku Klux Klan rally in Margate, Florida, Aug. 8, 1992. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
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A flier has recently been going around Fairview Township, Pa.

“Neighborhood Watch,” it reads, below an image of a figure wearing a pointed Ku Klux Klan robe. “You can sleep tonight knowing the Klan is awake!”

The website PennLive reported Monday that a local chapter of a national group called the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan recently launched the neighborhood watch in response to a number of recent break-ins. The organization’s imperial wizard and president, Frank Ancona, told the website he had given the local “klavern” his blessing.

“It’s just like any neighborhood watch program. It’s not targeting any specific ethnicity. We would report anything we see to law enforcement,” Ancona said. “We don’t hate people. We are an organization who looks out for our race. We believe in racial separation. God created each species after its kind and saw that it was good.”

Ancona declined to give PennLive any information about the local chapter of his group, or the names of any of its local leadership. The Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is headquartered in Park Hills, Mo. Ancona claimed that his organization has recently received several calls from Fairview Township from people concerned the police weren’t doing enough to fight the break-ins happening in town. Ancona said he thought that police departments can sometimes use extra hands to fight crime. Police in town told PennLive they are aware of the fliers being distributed by the KKK group.

Last month, Ancona’s group got attention for fliers it was distributing in Virginia, which stated that the KKK was not the “enemies of the colored and mongrel race.” Ancona told PennLive that Pennsylvania was a “strong Yankee state” for his organization.

“Members could be the guy who is delivering your pizza,” he said. “It could be law enforcement from the local sheriff’s office. It could be the nurse taking care of you in the emergency room.”

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