Militiaman Loses His Cool Over Getting Sex Toys In Care Packages (VIDEO)

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The self-styled militiamen occupying an Oregon wildlife refuge got your mail – and they’re not amused.

In a video posted online Tuesday, Jon Ritzheimer, one of the ringleaders of the occupation, shared the fruits of a recent mail run after the armed anti-government militants put out a call for food, clothing, and hygiene products.

Ritzheimer bemoaned the “abundance of hate mail” while digging through dozens of packages spread across a table.

“It was really mind blowing that people would…spend and waste their money of all this hateful stuff to send out here to us,” he said in the video. “Rather than going out and doing good, they spend all their money on hate, and hate, and hate, and hate.”

While he doesn’t highlight many of the unsolicited gifts, Ritzheimer makes it clear that the men have been gifted numerous sex toys.

“This one is really funny…a bag of dicks,” he said, holding up what appears to be a bag of novelty candy modeled on male genitalia.

Ritzheimer then registers his frustration by shoving all the packages off the table in one sweeping motion.

“We’re not going to be deterred, we’re not going to let your junk and hate mail sidetrack us,” Ritzheimer said. He concluded the video with another call to action for “the rest of you patriots out there” to come join the cause and be “part of history in the making.”

After the call-out for supplies, mailing the militiamen gag gifts became the media stunt du jour, with “The Daily Show” and Gawker sending along care packages.

Ritzheimer has frequently taken to YouTube to draw supporters to his various causes. He first garnered attention by organizing a controversial “draw Muhammad” contest in the wake of a shooting in Garland, Texas, and then by trying to crowdfund a $10 million effort to protect his family after receiving threats.

Most recently, a ripe-for-parody video he posted addressing his children was widely mocked, with men posting their own “daddy swore an oath” videos.

h/t The Oregonian

Watch the whole video below, via Daily Kos:

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Notable Replies

  1. I so wish i had sent the bag of dicks.

  2. Wait… they aren’t accepting anything delivered via that dreaded US Post Office, are they? Even if they have to drive on government roads to retrieve parcels at the local Post Office?

    I mean, if you’re gonna decry all that is government, how can they possibly lower their standards like that?

  3. You know he doesn’t get the symbolism. But you could still send him a douche bag.

  4. I have been thinking hard about sending them a crate of baby pacifiers but they aren’t worth the trouble or expense. I see that tiny ritzheimer, the candy ass marine, is their spokesman.

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