Jeb: We Need ‘Traditional Marriage’ To Get Kids Out Of Poverty (VIDEO)

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After spending a week in the hotseat over his support for the Iraq War, likely presidential candidate and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) on Saturday decided to take a swing at yet another hot-button issue.

Bush told the Christian Broadcasting Network that “traditional marriage” was necessary to rescue children from poverty and achieve success in society.

“If we want to create a right to rise society, where people — particularly children born in poverty, if we want to have them have a chance — we have to restore committed, loving family life with a mom and dad loving their children with their heart and soul,” he said.

Bush, who has said he personally opposes gay couples adopting children, said he did not support a constitutional amendment for same-sex marriage, adding that gay rights have “accelerated at a warp pace.”

“Irrespective of the Supreme Court ruling because they are going to decide whatever they decide, I don’t know what they are going to do, we need to be stalwart supporters of traditional marriage,” he said.

The former governor said that his position on the matter was informed by his Catholicism.

“Talking about being formed by one’s faith, it’s at the core of the Catholic faith,” he said. “And to imagine how we are going to succeed in our country unless we have committed family life, a child-centered family system, is hard to imagine.”

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Notable Replies

  1. And he was supposed to be the smart one.

  2. I don’t think that JEB is the one to be giving parenting advice, what with his daughter’s arrest and all.

  3. Open mouth, insert non sequitur.

    This is on a level with his brother’s infamous “More and more of our imports are coming from abroad.”

  4. So true Jeb, you tell it like it is!!! Well known studies have proven children adopted by LGBT couples suffer the worst deprivations known to man. Malnourishment, poorly clothed, held out of school, physically abused, exposed to poorly stored guns, meth labs in the back yard, utilities constantly shut off. Oh wait, nevermind. I guess that study was about children of straight couples in Mississippi & Kentucky.

  5. Or at least vaguely competent, a non-joke, someone you had to take seriously. But I guess we can strike “Take Jeb Bush seriously” off our to-do lists.

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