Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said on Thursday night that if elected President he would increase the money going into Social Security, Medicare and other entitlement funds by mandating payment from “illegals, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers.”
“The fair tax transforms the process by which we fund Social Security and Medicare because the money paid at consumption is paid by everybody — including illegals, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, all the people who are freeloading off the system. That’s why it ought to be a transformed system,” Huckabee said during the Republican presidential debate.
The line was met with thunderous applause.
Fox News anchor Chris Wallace ended Huckabee’s comments. Megyn Kelly was thoroughly amused.
“It’s getting a little R-rated,” she said.
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Gives the phrase "raising" taxes a whole other kind of meaning.
Personally, I think that was one of the stupidest answers of the night. Would he collect SS taxes from illegals after he deports them? Maybe Huckabee just gets some kind of perverse thrill out of talking about prostitutes.
If it were to happen, just by cosmic coincidence, that a very large black or brown person were to waylay Mike Huckabee some night en route to the limo and beat him within an inch of his life, that would be…just…interesting.
He’s dog-whistling.
Not just dog whistling, more like the steam whistle on the Queen Mary.