Harris Compares Records Of Kavanaugh, Gorsuch Side By Side

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Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) used some of her questioning time to compare Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanagh and Supreme Court justice Neil Gorsuch side by side.

Nearly everything, down to their attendance at Georgetown Prep, was identical. The one difference was Kavanaugh’s multiple sexual assault allegations.

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Notable Replies

  1. A very good question, Sen. Harris. Gorsuch sailed through.

    In fact, that question pretty much sums up the entire sham that is this line of “defense” on Kaveman-augh’s part.

    The GOP has now threatened “war” for all future nominees. Notwithstanding their treatment of Merrick Garland (not treatment of President Obama, mind you, but of a respected sitting judge and nominee… that is who was mistreated by this body).

    I’ve never been more disgusted by the posturing and politicking of all this. Kaveman-augh doesn’t have the temperament for the SCOTUS. If it were up to the American people, I don’t think he’d be confirmed.

    How nice it would be if the people could have a say, yes?

  2. They (the GOP) do not care. Obviously they can’t say they don’t care (but that probably wouldn’t matter either), so they find reasons to couch their yes vote to seem reasonable and thoughtful. They need him on the court. They don’t care who or what he is. Just like Trump. They don’t care what Trump is, and there they sit not caring what Kavanaugh is either. It’s about pure power.

  3. …and the GOP never brought up Gorsuch. Not their similar backgrounds or how respectfully the Democrats treated him. Instead we had the victimization of the ‘boys’.

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