Fox News host Sean Hannity showed a little love for liberal darling Bill Maher on Wednesday.
During a discussion about the comedian’s recent fight with Ben Affleck about Islam, Hannity said he respected Maher’s decision to speak his mind.
“I don’t like Bill Maher as a person, but I think Bill Maher is good for America,” he said. “Because he says all these outrageous things.”
“He’s almost become an iconoclast because he’s willing to speak the truth when so many others in the media are scared to death,” Hannity continued.
Fox hosts Greta Van Susteren and Bob Beckel appeared on Hannity’s Wednesday show and agreed with his thoughts on Maher and Islam.
While Hannity showed respect for Maher, it’s not clear that feeling is reciprocated. Maher once called Hannity “terribly sexually repressed.”
Watch the clip via Real Clear Politics:
H/t Mediaite
Liberal darling? Don’t you mean Libertarian leaning lefty type?
Congratulations, Bill! You’re now a Fox Democrat. Just a matter of time before you’re in the rotation with Doug Schoen and Alan Colmes.
Why do Fox hosts have other Fox hosts on their shows as guests so often?
Get a room. You two were meant for each other.
You should try it some time, Sean.