Graham Urges Obama Act In Iraq, Syria To Prevent Terrorist Attack In US

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., speaks at the Susan B. Anthony List "Campaign for Life Gala and Summit", a gathering of anti-abortion advocates, in Washington, Wednesday, March 12, 2014.(AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
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Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Sunday said that President Obama needs to warn Americans about potential attacks on the United States from militant groups in Syria and Iraq.

“If he does not go on the offensive against ISIS, ISIL, whatever you want guys want to call it, they are coming here. This is just not about Baghdad. This is just not about Syria. And if we do get attacked, then he will have committed a blunder for the ages,” Graham said on “Fox News Sunday.”

The senator said that multiple members of the administration have warned of the threat to the U.S. from these groups.

“When I look at the map,” he said. “I think of the United States. I think of an American city in flames because of the terrorists’ ability to operate in Syria and Iraq.”

“So, Mr. President, you have never once spoken directly to the American people about the threat we face from Syria, now Iraq. What is your strategy to stop these people from attacking the homeland?” Graham asked. “They have expressed a desire to do so.”

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  1. Ah, the old “they’re coming to our shores” fallacy.

  2. Has she taken to her fainting couch yet?

  3. Avatar for sandyh sandyh says:

    The element of surprise is over, Lindsey. We are not unprepared and ignoring the situation at home like Bush did. There is someone competent in charge now instead of a Palin or Cheney.

    Bin Lauden only highjacked those planes in the US to make the American people understand we have been meddling in the Middle East for way too long. He knew it would work because he knew how stupid the Neocons were and took advantage of the fact.

    Then Bush made sure that we would never go there lusting for their oil again by screwing the pooch in Iraq so badly. We even have a treaty OK’d by the GOP Congress saying we won’t. So chill out.

    So who wants to take bets on who wins out in Iraq? The Sunnis or the Shiites? I say the Kurds will be the big winners when they finally detach themselves from the proxy war that the Saudis and Iran are playing. Aren’t we all sick of doing the fighting for them?

  4. Graham once more commits treason by hoping for a terrorist attack on US soil.

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