As Donald Trump comes closer to announcing his vice presidential running mate, two contenders, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), will meet with Trump in Indiana on Wednesday.
Trump and several members of his family met with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, another prospect for vice president, in Indianapolis on Wednesday, and Trump remained in the state for additional meetings.
Sessions traveled to Indianapolis on Wednesday, CNN reported.
“We’ll have a visit I think,” the senator told CNN.
Gingrich also traveled to Indianapolis on Wednesday after requesting a meeting with Trump, according to CNN.
Trump had initially planned on flying out of Indiana on Tuesday, but was unable to due to mechanical issues with his plane, according to the New York Times.
Out of Sessions, Pence and Gingrich, the only I don’t know much about is Pence. Gingrich and Sessions are complete morons.
It doesn’t matter whom Trump picks. Remember, he could shoot someone and people would still vote for him. So he can pick Gingrich (an adulterer who helped get a pedophile become Speaker of the House after he failed with his Contract on America) or Sessions, a human colostomy bag.
GOP: No matter who Sir Trump picks as VP, it’s a win-win for a white male.
Let’s face it, these are just teaser meetings for the media, where the supplicants will be shown kissing DT’s ring (or whatever else he waves near their mouth).
He will then shock the nation by picking the Alaskan pole dancer, who, if he wins, will also become the official Oval Office cigar humidor.
So is Pence. The House wasn’t right wing enough for him so he ran for Gov. of Indiana and tried to use it as a lab for conservative policies…ala KANSAS. The people in Indiana seem to be a little smarter than Kansans and saw through him faster…