Former Rep. Gabby Giffords’ (D-AZ) gun control group launched a TV ad Wednesday in support of Colorado state Senate President John Morse (D), who is facing a Sept. 10 recall election spurred on by his support of state gun control laws.
Americans For Responsible Solutions’ ad, titled “Fighting for Us,” doesn’t rely on Morse’s support of background checks for gun purchases. Instead, the 30-second spot urges Colorado residents to vote “no” on the recall and remember Morse’s record of community safety, including championing a law that uses DNA technology to track down child molesters.
“My children’s safety and my family are his number one priority,” Colorado Springs resident Kristen said in the ad. “We need more people like John looking out for us.”
The six-figure ad buy will run on both network and cable channels in the Colorado Springs, Colo. market, according to a press release.