Fox Host Apologizes On-Air For ‘Boobs On The Ground’ Comment (VIDEO)

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Fox News host Eric Bolling apologized on-air Thursday for mocking a female fighter pilot from the United Arab Emirates.

On Wednesday’s edition of “The Five,” co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle recognized Major Mariam Al Mansouri for reportedly leading the UAE’s bombing campaign Monday against the Islamic State. Bolling and his co-host Greg Gutfeld chuckled.

“Would that be considered boobs on the ground or no?” Bolling said.

Apparently, the quip didn’t go over well with Bolling’s wife.

“I want to go back to last night, about this time I made a joke. When I got home, I got the look,” he said Thursday. “And I realized some people didn’t think it was funny at all. I said sorry to my wife and I apologize to all of you as well, I just want to make that very clear.”

“And you love women and have respect for them?” Guilfoyle prodded.

“And I do,” Bolling said.

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Notable Replies

  1. Even his wife knows he’s a pig!

  2. No, he does not have respect for women. If he had respect for women he would NEVER have made that comment, and had he messed up and made the comment completely out of character he would have known it was wrong before he got home to his wife.

    The woman sitting next to him, on the same show, disapproved visibly and audibly. He didn’t see that?

    And even worse, this is from the people who always say, “Honor the military!” If he has no respect for this woman who had to battle 1800 years of misogyny and a currently regressive middle east to 1) be allowed in the military; and 2) rose to the level of a fricking fighter pilot how much respect does he have for American women soldiers?

    He’s a pig, he’ll probably always be a pig, and the only way he’ll ever not be a pig is if his wife sits across a table giving him the look whenever he says something stupid.

  3. Avatar for enon enon says:

    he’s a friggin pig; and his ‘apology’ is meaningless.

  4. Nobody at Fox recognized he had screwed up. His wife had to give him “the look” to convince him he was way, way over the line.

    Well, that says a lot about the leadership at Fox News.

  5. So this neanderthal required a woman to let him know he’s a neanderthal? And that’s progress?
    Also, “that look,” eh?

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