White Parents On Fox News Condemn School’s Black History Month Event

Fox News' "Fox & Friends" features a segment on a Black History Month event on March 19, 2015.
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A segment on Thursday morning during the Fox News program “Fox & Friends” featured an all-white panel demanding an “apology” from a school district in Virginia for a Black History Month event about police brutality.

The guests — identified as only as Charles and Rebecca, the parents of an 8-year-old in Virginia’s Orange County Public Schools district — offered an account of the event and its aftermath. Charles was described as a deputy sheriff.

“Everywhere that we looked were students, high school students, wearing shirts that said ‘Black Lives Matter, I Can’t Breathe.'” Rebecca told host Elisabeth Hasselbeck. “As I was flipping through my program, it had ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot.'”

“I texted my husband and said, ‘I don’t know about this.'” Rebecca said. “He replied that I should pull our daughter and come home.”

Rebecca said she decided to let her daughter stay at the event, where the girl was scheduled to sing with a choir. But then, she recalled, “Students started coming out on stage saying things like, ‘I’m from Ferguson, Missouri. I was told to put my hands up. I did and I was shot seven times. My name is Michael Brown.'”

“I immediately realized that this was not something that was a good idea for my daughter to be seeing,” she said.

After the program, the child “had some serious questions as to why do cops shoot black people, and why do cops shoot good people,” Charles said. “It took me off guard.”

“We should have been notified as parents, and we were not,” he continued, “There has been no apology. There has been no ‘This will not happen again.’ And that needs to be done.”

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Notable Replies

  1. If the Dad is a Deputy Sheriff, it shouldn’t be that hard to explain to his daughter that the Police are a force for good, but some police officers get carried away and do bad things. That police have badges, the power of authority and guns and while most of them use that power for good, there are a few bad officers who take advantage of that authority.

    Power corrupts is a pretty simple concept. Or for an 8 year old, some people get carried away when given too much power, that makes it all the more important for the good police officers to stand up for what’s right.

  2. Thus ensuring that Charles and Rebecca’s daughter, at 18, will change her surname and deny any parental relationship.

  3. Yes, clearly, social consciousness of race issues is far too much for an 8 year old girl to handle…but a sitting Senator telling a 3 year old girl that her world is on fire is just fine. Can’t wait for this couple’s daughter to come home with brown bread in her oven.

  4. Sure it is…if you desperately want your child to grow up believing in an alternate reality in which the police are infallible authority figures to be feared and obeyed at all times.

  5. Seems as though they would criticize this just on the basis of it being a “Black History Month” event., even without anything to do with Ferguson.

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