Foreign Stock Images Used In Scott Walker Committee Video

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Images in the first video clip from a tax-exempt committee paving the way for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) likely presidential campaign are foreign stock photos from foreign-based photographers.

The stock images used in the two minute video, from Walker’s Our American Revival Committee, were flagged by Buzzfeed shortly after the video was published. Our American Revival released the video earlier on Wednesday.

One image of an elderly man comes from Dualstock, a company based in Italy, according to Buzzfeed.

Another image, 17 seconds in, is of a woman taken by Sylwia Bogdanska, a photographer based out of Poland. Bogdanska’s studio is in Koluszki, Poland.

Buzzfeed reached out to Our American Revival but did not get a response.

(Photo credit: Youtube)

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Notable Replies

  1. Hi, Scut Farkas here. I just want to talk to all of you about the problems in America; problems so severe that I had to go overseas to find pictures of an old man and a woman.

  2. I watched the video and told my husband it reminded me of less savory leaders with all the flags waving.

    Of course, once I listened to the words, I was really turned off.

    Listen to the words and think.

  3. You can say it. Fervent, dogmatic nationalistic furor and nativism are the precursors to all-out, whole-hog fascism, the political right’s Plan B, and we all know who did it best. Hitler. If watching political commercials from the RWNJs in this country makes you think the phrase “Hitler’s Amurika”, trust me, you are NOT alone, nor are you wrong, inaccurate or shamed by the thought.

    Rather, you are justifiably concerned, because these motherfuckers are very clearly working their way up to precisely that, and the evidence is everywhere. The House is now controlled by a minority of voters when it was meant to be the bastion of majority rules democracy (with the Senate as the geographical balance). The GOP/Teatrolls brought gov’t to a complete standstill for 6+ years simply because they don’t have control. They’ve leveraged 9-11 into the Patriot Act and the NSA spying on our own citizenry (and yes, shame on you too Obama). They’ve got a boogeyman to target and blame for everything (altho theywaffle between Muslims and the “illegals”). They’re now trying to create state-run media in the states they control (see Jindal and Pence…Goebbels would be proud). They’re deliberately trying to re-write history and educational curricula to indoctrinate new conservatives (little red books anyone?). They consistently take plays out of the NAzi playbooks…Big Lies like “death panels” and, well, the boogeyman thing. They’ve ramped up the nationalism and nativism talk and stirred their racist, bigoted base into a frenzy over it. They are actively trying to rid themselves of inconvenient voters (voter ID laws, redistricting, reduced voting times, reduced polling places, reduced voting machines, etc.). They’ve even played into the plutocrats’ fear of losing their wealth and control in order to assure a vast and endless stream of funding for protecting the wealthy and privileged as a means of assuring control. They have SCOTUS justices and federal judges who are willing to blatantly ignore precedent and use their position on the bench as a means of shamelessly misrepresenting or rewriting the law in order to further the GOP/Teatroll political agenda. The list goes one and on and on…but the MSM and Dems and so many others in this country are just unwilling to admit ot themselves just what we’re witnessing.

    I dare say THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL. Only the MSM and pussyfooters overly concerned with being polite and unoffensive and making sure they don’t appear to be “going too far” refuse to read it and admit that it is precisely what you think it is.

  4. The GOTP has allowed the offshoring of jobs, why wouldn’t they offshore reality and the truth?

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