On Tuesday morning, CNN hosted a panel discussion between a gaggle of former supporters of President Donald Trump who regret their vote and those who are still gung-ho about the President’s policies and behavior.
One former Trump supporter, Maryse Selit, had some particularly biting words: “We have a lot of really — I have to be crass about it — idiots who voted for him, including myself at one time,” she said.
That comment was taken with “great offense” by a pro-Trumper: “I’m not an idiot,” Arthur Schaper said. “It was a wise decision … for working class Americans who are tired of their jobs being taken by illegals.”
Watch the exchange below:
Ex-Trump supporters confront those who still support him: Lots of "idiots" voted for Trump, including me pic.twitter.com/um3Kij5d9I
— TPM Livewire (@TPMLiveWire) August 7, 2018
The first step in recovery. Admit you had a bigly problem…
I’m just happy to see some reporting on “former Trumpers,” since the popular narrative is that no one ever abandons their Donnie adoration.
Should have settled for “idiot.”
And he’s the best Caucasian busboy / landscaper / lettuce picker you ever met.
A shame he missed out on all those stellar career opportunities…
Many fine idiots on both sides.