Donald Trump Complains ‘Football Has Become Soft Like’ America (VIDEO)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a rally at the Reno Ballroom and Museum in Reno, Nevada, Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016. (AP Photo/Lance Iversen)
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During a Sunday campaign rally in Nevada, Donald Trump lamented to the crowd that football has “become soft,” comparing changes in the sport to the United States.

The Republican presidential candidate complained about the number of flags thrown by referees after certain tackles.

“Football has become soft. Football has become soft. Now, I’ll be criticized for that. They’ll say, ‘Oh, isn’t that terrible.’ But football has become soft like our country has become soft,” Trump said.

“It’s become weak and you know what? It’s going to affect the NFL. I don’t even watch it as much anymore,” he continued.

But he did mention that he still likes Tom Brady, the quarterback for the New England Patriots.

“It’s boring — although I love Tom Brady. I gotta tell you. I do love Tom. He’s a great guy. But it’s different. But it’s become soft and our country has become soft,” Trump said in Nevada.

Watch the video via CNN:

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  1. Amazing that a brilliant talent, who has contributed beautiful art to this world like David Bowie gets cancer and dies, yet this orange, sociopath, selfish asshole lives on. There is no justice in this world.

  2. I knew Donald Trump was a buffoon, but until he ran for President this time around, I had no idea of the depths of that buffoonery. So, I guess some thanks to TPM are in order.
    And I agree with albesure. RIP, David Bowie.

  3. And you know “soft” when you see it, lardass!

  4. Yup, the days of going to the fights and a football game braking out are gone. It’s time the NFL take away all those big soft pads and stop using helmets and face masks.

    Trump also says the US Military has gone soft…instead of taking the hill with thousands of boots on the ground we now send in drones. I say let the Donald grab his NRA card, his rifle, and lead the troops himself back into Damascus without wearing a helmet.

    We need hard leaders - leaders that fought and served on the front lines. No more silver spooned whoosies like Dick Cheney or Jeb & George Bush. Did Trump serve…NOPE, he also dodged the draft with daddy’s contacts.

  5. Avatar for fgs fgs says:

    Soldiers and their families ought to be real concerned about Rump’s bold vision of greatness, achieved exclusively by sacrificing other people’s bodies.

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