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D’Souza Gets Five Years Probation For Violating Campaign Finance Laws

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Conservative writer and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza was sentenced to eight months in a community confinement center and five years probation after he pleaded guilty to violating campaign finance laws.

D’Souza was sentenced on Tuesday.

For the first eight months of his probation he will be at a community confinement center in San Diego, per the order of Judge Richard Berman. D’Souza was also fined $30,000 and directed to receive “therapeutic counseling,” according to The Smoking Gun. Berman also ordered D’Souza to one day of community service per week during his probation, according to Reuters.

“It was a crazy idea, it was a bad idea,” D’Souza told Berman before he was sentenced. “I regret breaking the law.”

Back in May D’Souza pleaded guilty to reimbursing two donors who gave a total of $20,000 to Republican Senate candidate Wendy Long’s unsuccessful campaign against now-Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). In January, D’Souza was charged with one count of false statements and one count of making over $10,000 of contributions in the name of others.

Prosecutors were trying to get a 10- to 16-month prison sentence, according to Reuters.

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Notable Replies

  1. So the crime was committed in New York State, but he is sentenced to serve in San Diego, California? Is Dinesh a surfer dude, or does he just want to work on his tan while doing his time?

  2. D’Souza was also … directed to receive “therapeutic counseling,”

    Something D’Souza has been in desperate need of for quite a long time. Shame it’s taken so long to happen.

  3. Community Confinement Center? Is that what we’re calling it now?

  4. Avatar for mantan mantan says:

    Not D’Slammer?

  5. Shame it isn’t in a real prison, but at least we don’t have to see this smug grifter’s face for a while.

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