Radio Host Calls Campus Rape Culture ‘Big Lie’ At Rick Scott Rally

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At a rally to get out the vote for Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) on Tuesday, conservative talk radio host Dennis Prager called the issue of campus sexual assault “a big lie” invented by “the feminist left.”

At the Sarasota Hyatt, Prager began by calling the idea of a war on women “a gargantuan lie to get votes,” and then turned to his opinions on campus rape culture, according to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.

“Did you ever look at what counts? An unwanted kiss is considered sexual assault. I’m stunned it’s only 1 in 5,” he said, according to the paper. “Four out of five women have not gotten an unwanted kiss?”

“My wife gets unwanted kisses every so often,” he added.

Prager said that the left, not the right, is insensitive to violence against women by “trivializing” the word rape.

“Culture of Rape? No. I’ll tell you why it exists on the campus, and that is: a rape of the culture,” Prager reportedly said.

The head of the Sarasota Republican Party, Joe Gruters, appeared to disapprove of Prager’s rant, telling the Herald-Tribune that campus sexual assault is a real problem.

“It should never have been part of a political discussion at the rally,” Gruters told the Florida newspaper.

No one from the Scott administration spoke at the event, and it was not put on by the campaign, the newspaper reported.

Earlier this month, Prager discussed campus rape on his radio show with conservative columnist George Will, whose columns attempting to debunk rape statistics got him uninvited from speaking at a women’s college and inspired protests at Miami University.

This post has been updated.

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  1. Avatar for sjk sjk says:

    Ahh, let the rape talk begin again!

  2. Hear that ladies? What’s happening is really not happening, so you better keep your lying slut mouths shut!

    Got that?

  3. Avatar for xyxox xyxox says:

    I have to admit, I had almost thought this election would happen without the GOP going down the rape road again. Somehow, they are annoyed that women complain about being sexually assaulted. They have a Mad Men mentality that goes to the extreme.

  4. “My wife gets unwanted kisses every so often,” he added.

    Sometimes when he has a bad day he beats the shit out of her too before stripping her clothes off and throwing her on the bed.

    But that’s not rape.

    Mainly because Dennis is not black.

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