Conservative Pundit Dana Loesch: All Bundy Needed Was Some Media Training!

Cliven Bundy, left, and his son Mel bunny stand on a hill overlooking an area where federal authorities are building corrals near Bunkerville, Nev. Tuesday, April 1, 2014. Cliven Bundy runs cattle on the land. The Bu... Cliven Bundy, left, and his son Mel bunny stand on a hill overlooking an area where federal authorities are building corrals near Bunkerville, Nev. Tuesday, April 1, 2014. Cliven Bundy runs cattle on the land. The Bureau of Land Management has been closing off the Gold Butte area near Bunkerville in preparation to remove what they call "trespass cattle" that Bundy runs in the area. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Review-Journal, John Locher) MORE LESS
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Conservative radio host Dana Loesch believes Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy just needs a little media training.

In a blog post published Thursday, Loesch argued that “the left” is unfairly seizing upon Bundy’s remarks about blacks in an attempt to link his anti-government activism to racism.

The New York Times reported Wednesday that Bundy referred to blacks as “the Negro” and criticized what he perceived as welfare abuse in a press conference over the weekend.

“And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy?” he said, as quoted by the Times.

Loesch conceded that those remarks sounded “offensive” when taken at face value, but then defended Bundy as being merely inarticulate — “an old man rancher isn’t media trained to express himself perfectly,” she wrote. She further suggested Bundy really meant to condemn “what big government has done to the black family.”

Even if the comments were racist, Loesch argued, the fact that the Times reached out to Republican politicians who previously supported the rancher for responses proved “the left’s outrage” over the remarks was in itself disingenuous.

“If Bundy is a racist, that is awful, but what exactly does that have to do with the BLM?” she wrote. “I’ve been saying for weeks that this isn’t about one rancher. It’s about government overreach. It’s about a paramilitarized bureaucratic entity responding to collect a bill in dispute due to arguments over state ownership and open range laws.”

“Does Cliven Bundy’s remark make Tommy Henderson, Raymond Yowell, Kenni Patton, and other ranchers in Nevada and north Texas racists then because they also have issues with the BLM? So dissent with the BLM is racist like dissent with Obamacare is racist?” she continued. “Again, this isn’t about one person, but the left would love for it to be so.”

Watch the video of Bundy’s remarks:

This post has been updated.

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Notable Replies

  1. This gal is a master of circular reasoning. “In other words, smile when you utter racist remarks.”

  2. Avatar for gr gr says:

    Yeah, dat’s it! He just needs a PR coach! Dat’s all.
    Why didn’t I think of that?

  3. That’s right racists. Y’all have no need to unlearn that there racism. Y’all just need to learn you some code.

  4. Code words you mean.

  5. So…“I wonder if blacks would be better off as slaves” is merely inarticulate?

    Uh-huh. He was just posing a thought experiment, like Einstein did.

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