Conway: Those Who Currently Have Insurance Won’t Lose It In ACA Repeal

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Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway says that the Trump administration doesn’t want anyone who currently has health insurance to lose it due to Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

“We don’t want anyone who currently has insurance to not have insurance,” Conway said Tuesday morning on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Conway was responding to co-host Joe Scarborough, who asked if Americans who “have healthcare today under the Affordable Care Act” would be covered under the Republican replacement plan for the healthcare law.

Conway didn’t present any details on what a replacement for Obamacare would look like in the interview. She said it would be “the ideal situation” if Republicans had a replacement plan for the ACA immediately available upon repeal, but said “some experts say that it could take years to actually complete the process.”

As Vice President-elect Mike Pence met with congressional Republicans Wednesday on Capitol Hill to discuss the repeal of Obamacare, which he and multiple congressional Republicans described as their top priority, details on a replacement plan were similarly scarce.

Asked about Conway’s assertion that no one who currently has health insurance would lose access to it under a Republican replacement plan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) did not answer directly in a press conference after his caucus’ meeting with Pence.

“We have on the floor the repeal resolution. The priorities between now and Jan. 20 are hearings on Cabinet members,” he said. “Those are the priorities between now and Jan. 20.”

Tierney Sneed contributed reporting.

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Notable Replies

  1. I wish this miserable btch would just STFU. Who the HELL does she think she is? She won’t be making law. She won’t be VOTING on the legislation that the ‘new’ Republican Congress will be inflicting on us. Nada. Trump did not say anything (yet!) so there is no need to weigh in.

  2. Conway:

    1. If you have Insurance, it will cost a lot more as we need to give tax cuts to those who paid for Obamacare(the very rich).
    2. If you dont have insurance, you will never get it but you should be happy as you dont know what you are missing.
  3. Avatar for cpease cpease says:

    Wait - If it is so friggin bad why would you want them to hold onto the insurance they got under ACA? So basically it’s horrible but we want those who have it to keep it so they are happy/covered? I’m confused.

  4. Tranlsation: “Just because you lost your insurance because it became unaffordable doesn’t mean we “took” your insurance. It’s not our fault you’re a poor. That’s on you, darky…I mean, you lazy poor person.”

  5. Once again, Kellyanne Conway, Trump spokesperson and major skank, speaks about what she doesn’t know. Sad.

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