Conservatives Furious That Ryan Didn’t Address Obamacare In Debt Proposals

Reps. Eric Cantor, R-Va., Paul Ryan, R-Wisc. and David Camp, R-Mich., at a news conference on the pending health care legislation on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, March 19, 2010.(AP Photo/Harry Hamburg)
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House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) latest proposals to avert a potential debt crisis made no reference to the Affordable Care Act, an omission that left hardline conservatives miffed.

In an op-ed published Wednesday in the Wall Street Journal, Ryan called for “common-sense reforms of the country’s entitlement programs and tax code” to be included in any debt limit deal, but he never explicitly proposed reforms to the health care law. And for that, some on the right used Twitter to throw shade at the 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee.

The Senate Conservatives Fund, a group founded by former GOP Sen. Jim DeMint that aims to purge moderates from the party, got things started:

That received a retweet from editor Erick Erickson, a vocal leader in the movement to defund the Obamacare:

Heritage Action spokesman Dan Holler compared Ryan’s op-ed to President Obama’s Tuesday press conference, where the health care law was not brought up:

National Review’s Andrew Stiles said that conservative aides were “flummoxed” by Ryan’s op-ed:

Amanda Carpenter, a speechwriter for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), criticized Ryan for leaving out the O-word:


This post has been updated.

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