CNN Panel Laughs When Trump Backer Says No Evidence To Call Him Racist (VIDEO)

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A CNN panel failed to maintain composure on Friday when Donald Trump supporter Gina Loudon insisted there was no evidence to back up claims that the Republican nominee has engaged in racist and misogynistic behavior.

“Words matter,” panelist Symone Sanders told Loudon during a discussion on CNN Tonight. “Donald Trump is running for president of the United States, okay? So, his words are extremely important because as president, your words — I mean we can talk about the fact he’s discriminated against African-Americans, Latinos in this country, Muslims –”

“He has when?” Loudon asked.

CNN analyst Bakari Sellers launched into a summary of Trump’s past treatment of black Americans, citing the housing discrimination lawsuits his family was forced to settle for refusing to rent to black tenants and the full-page New York Times Trump took out calling for the wrongfully incarcerated Central Park Five to be executed.

“Donald Trump had nothing do with that!” Loudon said.

“Wait, wait wait,” host Don Lemon cut in. “You said Donald Trump had nothing do for taking out ads on the Central Park Five?”

“Donald Trump himself,” she answered. “It was not Donald Trump himself.”

Lemon later showed Loudon a photograph of the ad, which bore Trump’s signature.

Things really dissolved when Sellers asked Loudon to name senior black staffers advising Trump’s campaign.

“You named Katrina Pierson. I bet you can’t name two,” he challenged.

“I could go on all day,” Loudon replied. “Omorosa. I mean I could go on all day. I’m not going to play into your little tester—”

Lemon and the rest of the four-person panel burst into laughter, and apparently some CNN staffers did as well.

“Stop. Stop it y’all. People in the studio are even laughing,” Lemon said.

h/t Raw Story

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Notable Replies

  1. There is not a shred of evidence to support the notion that Trump surrogates know their asses from their elbows.

    (Edit) Now a new accuser (#14) just came forward to say Trump grabbed her in one sexual way or another without her consent. Trump will say her claim is “debunked” because he gets to declare it so. Same as his own taped confession of grabbing women by the genitals without their consent. Never happened because he now claims so.

    Hence he admitted doing exactly what many women said he did, but he lives in some alternate reality where none of this ever happened.

  2. “Drain the swamp and make America great again.”

    Sounds like a shitty country song.

  3. Lemme guess. Gina is the pretty white woman?

  4. Gina is who’s stealing all of our jobs. It also created the myth of climate change.

  5. CNN has certainly become a joke worth laughing at…

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