Clinton Camp Calls Trump Tweet ‘Blatantly Anti-Semitic,’ ‘Disturbing’

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally, Thursday, June 2, 2016, in El Centro, Calif. (AP Photo/John Locher)
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The Hillary Clinton campaign bashed a now-deleted Donald Trump tweet that included an image of Clinton labeling her “corrupt” with a Star of David — a meme that reportedly was previously posted on a white supremacist web forum.

“Donald Trump’s use of a blatantly anti-Semitic image from racist websites to promote his campaign would be disturbing enough, but the fact that it’s a part of a pattern should give voters major cause for concern,” Sarah Bard, the campaign’s director of Jewish Outreach, said in a statement Monday. “Now, not only won’t he apologize for it, he’s peddling lies and blaming others. Trump should be condemning hate, not offering more campaign behavior and rhetoric that engages extremists. The president should be someone who brings Americans together, not someone who sends signals and offers policies of division.”

Trump posted the image to Twitter Saturday morning, where it faced a quick backlash. A few hours later he posted an updated version of the image with a circle in the place of the star before deleting the initial tweet entirely. On Monday, Trump on Twitter blamed the media for interpreting the original tweet to be anti-Semitic and said it was actually a “Sheriff’s Star” or a “plain star.”

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  1. Also, unbelievably stupid. She’s a Methodist!

  2. Clinton’s camp is correct in stating that Trump’s blatant anti-Semitic comments are very disturbing, especially when his very own grandchildren are Jewish! How is Ivanka deal with this turmoil?

  3. The implication is that she is owned by “Jewish” money. I can see you’re not up to date on anti-Semitic memes. Good for you (really).

  4. it’s a part of a pattern

    HRC goes to the dirty nougat center of Trump’s hate candy…

  5. Someone on another message board said that the fact that Trump’s grandchild was Jewish just proves that he’s not anti-Semitic since that would just be sick.

    My response: “And your point is?”

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