“Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace grilled Republican presidential candidate and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina on Sunday on a comment she had made about a general.
Fiorina had said that Gen. Jack Keane “retired early” after a quarrel with President Obama. Keane himself appeared on Fox News and denied Fiorina’s claim.
On Sunday, Wallace asked her about it.
“But then there’s Keane who never served in the Obama administration, Wallace said. “Says he’s never spoken to Barack Obama. Weren’t you just flat wrong about that?”
“Well, I was wrong about Keane, yes. He is the exception that proves the rule,” Fiorina said. “I was certainly right about the fact that he is a member of the warrior class. I was naming the five warriors of our generation who have experience, four out of five I would argue were retired early out of the Obama administration because they said things the Obama administration didn’t particularly want to hear.”
( Head hitting desk )
“I would argue were retired early out of the Obama administration because
they said things the Obama administration didn’t particularly want to
That is sort of true. I don’t the Obama administartion wanted to hear Petraus tell them he leaked confidential information to his mistress, and they let him go because of it.
After several days of denying the truth and ignoring the denial by General Keane, she finally admits the error, but still uses it to make her (non) point. Totally unrepentant. What an odious little person!
It’s how she managed to have a successful career at Hewlett-Packard. In her mind.
It’s one thing to mistakenly say Keane served during the Obama administration, but how on earth do you come up with this “quarrel” nonsense? I mean, how do you make that kind of mistake? Just doesn’t make any sense, unless the truth just doesn’t matter to you.