Brennan ‘Happy, Relieved And Admiring’ Of Law Enforcement After Arrest Of Suspect

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  1. Sorry, repost, but it is truly astounding what the FBI has done in 3 days or less. All these steps take a considerable amount of time. They must have had teams (which is difficult if only 1 sample) working 24 hours and then some.

    OK, maybe the MAGAbomber’s van was a bit obvious, but as a recently retired biochemist, I am frankly astounded at the speed the FBI tracked this down, based on the DNA (3-4 days).

    First you have to secure the package(s) as safe (a big time crunch), then you have to look for DNA (over everything), isolate that DNA, PCR amplify, analyze that amplification, run it through a DNA database (guess he was on file), and send out covert/overt teams to pick the guy up without casualties. This is a big deal to get done in probably 3 days or less.

    The FBI, state, and locals deserves accolades for this, yet we get crickets and complaints about this ““Bomb” stuff” distracting from ‘his’ midterms from this President.

  2. Avatar for pshah pshah says:

    This is what the FBI is capable of doing when you don’t restrict their investigation to predetermine the outcome.

  3. Bart O’Kavanaugh, when informed of the scope and depth of a REAL FBI investigation.

  4. FBI was ON IT! Go, Team!!
    It’s nice to see them doing the job as it’s meant to be… tRump should be censured for his constant interference in the DOJ and how the FBI /CIA handle their duties

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