Bill O’Reilly Warns That The Hippies Are Coming For Rich White Guys (VIDEO)

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The counterculture movement of the 1960s never ended for Bill O’Reilly, who explained Monday how things work in America.

According to the Fox News pundit, many of the hippies who protested against the Vietnam War and “embraced sex, drugs and rock and roll” have grown up to become “authority figures today, especially in the media.”

And those same aged hippies are now fueling the “grievance industry.”

The “grievance industry,” O’Reilly told us, has been exploited to no end by President Obama and the Democrats. It’s been “legitimized” by the “politically correct media.”

So, what is the “grievance industry”?

“The grievance industry basically says that America is not a fair nation, that the deck is stacked against minorities, women, the poor, gays, atheists, Muslims — you name it,” O’Reilly explained. “And the bad guys are white males, the Republican Party, and anybody who doesn’t buy into the grievance industry.”

Now, with “race hustlers, ideological fanatics and other folks who do harm” getting their own television shows, O’Reilly said that, just like the 1960s, there’s “chaos and confusion” sweeping the country.

As evidence, O’Reilly pointed to two completely disparate events on a pair of college campuses. There was a spring break riot last weekend out in Isla Vista, Calif. that resulted in more than 100 arrests and dozens of injuries.

Sure, O’Reilly said, we’ve seen “spring break craziness” before and there probably wasn’t even a political component to the display. But still!

“You are more likely to destroy property if you don’t care about who is affected,” he said. “And if you don’t respect the authority of the police, you are more likely to attack them.”

Then there was the demonstration at Dartmouth by a group of “radicals” who occupied the college president’s office to demand a response to their concerns about the school’s climate for minorities. O’Reilly scoffed that the president let the students off with mere slaps on the wrists.

“Now if I had been the president of Dartmouth, I would have given the students thirty minutes to vacate my office or they’d be expelled and charged with trespass by the cops,” O’Reilly boasted. “

The concerns raised by the “fringe” students are “largely absurd,” he added.

But while O’Reilly dismissed their concerns, he said their actions are part of a larger problem — which brings us back, of course, to the “grievance industry.”

“Of course those nutty students are part of the grievance industry,” he said. “Everything the establishment does offends them.”

O’Reilly went over it one more time for review:

Are we all getting this? Again, the grievance industry is being driven by elements of the Democratic Party very successfully as many Americans are now buying into the fact the allegation that the USA is unfair, insensitive and downright bad. So expect’ to see more of this kind of madness in the future. If you are not a rich white guy, chances are you are the victim of discrimination. Therefore, we must have gender equality, race equality, sex equality, income equality, everything equality or it’s just not fair! Not fair. The unintended consequences of a political deception like the inequality deal is a symbolic Frankenstein’s monster, the creation of a disaster. And you know what the worst part is? There is inequality in America because inequality exists in every country. And in order to deal with that intelligent discussion and smart policy changes should take place, crazy people and you hustlers are controlling the debate. And because of that, constructive and effective problem solving will be hard to come by. The grievance industry is unleashed.

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