Avenatti: ‘These Guys Make The Watergate Burglars Look Competent’

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Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti continued a series of cable news appearances Thursday, saying that President Donald Trump and his band of lawyers “make the Watergate burglars look competent.”

Avenatti also raised the possibility that the monthly retainers Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen were paid as reimbursement for the $130,000 he gave to Daniels before the election were parceled out to avoid detection. 

“If invoices were submitted by Michael Cohen with the understanding that it was not for actual legal services but rather was a ruse for the reimbursement of $130,000, that could constitute fraud, that could constitute money laundering or other crimes,” he said. “It appears what they did was structured the repayment. It appears they structured the repayment in order to avoid detection or otherwise.”

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Notable Replies

  1. “If invoices were submitted by Michael Cohen with the understanding that it was not for actual legal services but rather was a ruse for the reimbursement of $130,000, that could constitute fraud, that could constitute money laundering or other crimes,” he said. “It appears what they did was structured the repayment. It appears they structured the repayment in order to avoid detection or otherwise.”


    Make the Orange One compulsively disgorge his confession!

  2. Lovin’ this guy. Hope he can eventually deliver some of this promised hurt, but love the irritation he must be causing to the offal office.

  3. Avatar for pshah pshah says:

    If you compare the respective members, eg. Nixon to Trump, Richardson to Sessions, Haldemann to Kelly, Dean to McGahn, there’s no contest in terms of competence and ability.

    The other big difference is we actually had enough patriotic Republicans at that time who put country over party which helped preserve our constitution. Now, we’re led by idiots who care only about self-preservation.

  4. President Donald Trump and his band of lawyers “make the Watergate burglars look competent.”

    Groucho: “He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot, but don’t let that fool you; he really is an idiot.”

  5. I disagree, I believe they want to solve legal problem by burying it in politics. Giuliani is outing Trump as a whoremongering liar in the Stormy front and justice obstructing bully in the Russia and Comey case. Now with that out of the way, re-settle with Stormy, fire Mueller and Rosenstein and be done with the Russia thingy. Trump base is fine with all that, they have been clamoring it for months. If Congress does anything at all, it would be to provide more cover political cover for Trump, Republican majority depends on it, if they turn on Trump it will be a rout for them.

    They want to let voter decide in November, they are betting they will forget about all this by then and anyway this is an electorate that forgave all the pussy-grabbing, tax-hiding, russia-meddling last election, so it’s not really an insane bet. Besides in most states that matter the GOP controls the elections, so a helping hand can be counted on. If things look bad in early October, well they can always start a war, that always help republicans.

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